Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Franchise: Seek to emulate everything I have spoken of as sincerely as possible, not for the reason of personal gain but because it is right. Do not restrict your exploration to a small world, but seek to infuse every aspect of your life with these qualities. Should you succeed in even a tiny measure then you will be well remembered for your quality and virtue.

To emulate virtue as sincerely as possible. Now that's a tall order. It may seem self contradictory but when one achieves virtue to a certain degree of success it is quite easy to be condescending. It is easy to come from a moral high ground and think that, "If everyone else lives life the way I do then there shouldn't be any problem with the world."

This is why one should believe in an ideal much higher, impossibly higher than oneself. This is so that one might honestly say that he is still walking the path and have not yet attained it.

As a Christian, I believe in trying to attain Christlikeness because Christ is a Christian's ultimate model. God-Man. God who became man but did not stop being God. For God to humiliate Himself in this form we call our bodies is the ultimate example of humility. Forget the story of transforming into a bird so that the other birds freezing to death in the cold winter night may understand that they are trying to fly through a glass window and that you know the way into the warm house. In the scheme of things, in a universe 40 billion lightyears in diameter, humanity is but a colony of viruses. And God chose to take on viral form because He loves us.

That is humility at it's best. God who has all the bragging rights in the universe, willingly suspended that. If I was on the cross and I had omnipotence at my disposal I'd let my tormentors have it. Being swallowed by the earth is so cliche, I'm thinking of them experiencing every lash and I cut and bruise I've got all within a span of 60 seconds. Long enough to make them feel an eternity of pain fast enough to overwhelm them.

But God in His righteousness did not condescend, He forgave. That's a model for franchise. Keep preaching, keep walking the walk but do not laugh at those who fall. To do right not because of the benefits not because of well-being but because of an innate sense of right.

Think about it, why do we do right? Afraid of being caught? It has the least complications? It is admirable? It feels good to be above the rest? Without these benefits, why should anyone do right?

This is the difficulty of franchise it is the summation of all the virtues, and after the achievement of virtue we are not to say "Do as I do." None of course not even knights can become "knightly perfect." But like Christ, knighthood is an ideal to reach. Think about it,no matter how dirty a white horse gets it is still not mistaken for black.

Be a white horse.

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